Wednesday 14 July 2010

St. Paul's from the South Bank

In 1977:-
In 2009:-
The obvious change is the Millenium footbridge. This is obscuring the tall building towards the left side of the picture which, from the details that can be made out, appears to be unchanged.  The new terrcotta-coloured building on the riverside is now obscuring the College of Arms and the Welsh Church of St. Benet's in Queen Victoria Street.  The building to the right on the riverfront appears to have been rebuilt but with some architectural references to the original. St.Paul's itself, gleaming white, is clearly showing the effects of the cleaning that has been carried out since the 1977 shot.

Regrettably the NatWest Tower and another tower block to the right of  St.Paul's dome are now degrading the skyline.

1 comment:

  1. Quedula

    NOT to disrupt but some members on another Blog think we have a lot in common. Reading your profile and seeing what Blogs you frequent really prevents me from seeing why this is so.

    I mean, I'm a committed Monarchist, a dedicated Christian, who holds to very Traditional Views, and a rather absolute in my Libertarian Values.

    But I suppose its because I am a Monarchist, and they see Monarchism as the same as Communism, and both are Left Wing,and of course they see me as an Atheist as a result.

    But if you'd want you can mail me and we can discuss our mutual expeirnces amongst the Neoconcervative element. I still dobt ee'd get along very well, however, in terms of what is beleived.

    God Save the Queen!
